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Is Engine Revving Illegal in Houston Texas?


Updated: Jun 9, 2022

When you get a used engine for sale, the next big task on the list is to care for it and maintain it in the best possible manner. Engine maintenance tips for speedy sporty engines are incomplete without the ‘do not rev your engine’ warning.

We all know revving is bad for an engine, but do you know it’s also illegal in some states? You may get a ticket for revving a used engine in Houston, Texas, depending on the state you’re in.

Read further to know more about revving and rules about it.

What is Revving?

Before diving into the legal notion around revving, first, understand what it means. Revving means putting your gas pedal to the metal but not driving off. By revving, your engine will make its trademark noise as the RPM increases. When you rev your engine, you're accelerating your engine to do what it does the best but not driving.

Is Revving Illegal in Texas?

Yes, revving is illegal in Texas and many other states. It is a puerile behavior that is common among sports vehicles owners. The idea is to increase a car engine’s RPM and bring up excessive noise as you continue to match the gas pedal. This brings no good to anyone but definitely harms the engine.

Even in parking lots or stoplights, if you’re caught revving your engine unnecessarily, you’ll get a punishment for a fine, which could be up to $120.

How Revving Harms an Engine?

Besides the fine, there are plenty of reasons to avoid revving your engine as it can cause a lot of damage.

  • Revving warms up the engine too fast: In cold weather, people swear by revving to warm up their engines. But it’s necessary to point out that the sudden temperature change can put stress on the engine and cause unnecessary wear and tear. Moreover, it only warms up the engine and not the oil. SO, when cold oil runs through the engine it doubles your car’s work.

  • It can cause valve floats: Revving can lead to a situation where your engine valve gets stuck in between open & closed positions. It will possibly kill the engine and shut the vehicle down.

  • Gas wastage: Since you’re gassing up the engine and not driving it while revving, you’re wasting gas which can cost your dearly. With the increasing prices of gas, you may not want to put yourself in a position where you have to refill your car sooner than you expect.

  • Excessive noise: Lastly, the very reason people rev their engines is the noise. But it is not welcome by anyone, and no one enjoys the loud noise of a revving car. It only leads to noise pollution.


Imagine this you bought yourself a used automobile engine, one that’s a powerhouse and sounds like a head-turner sports car. The second you get the urge to rev your used engine, remind yourself that not only will you damage your newly bought used engine. But may also get a ticket for breaking the law. So, avoid revving, and maintain your engine’s health to the best of your knowledge.


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